Memory Scraps - The Wit and Wisdom of Joe Darlington,
 "Mr. Perry County"












Joe G. Darlington spent his life telling people the stories about Perry County. It was estimated that during his lifetime, Joe touched the lives of over 25,000 with his humorous and informative stories – from Indian massacres to installing toilets at the Courthouse – he covers it all! 

On May 9, 1981 the people of Perry County recognized Joe for his service to the area by presenting him the beautiful plaque shown here and proclaimed him “Mr. Perry County.” 

Now you can enjoy the wit and wisdom of this amazing historian.  Over sixty years of stories from his personal scrapbook are preserved here giving us a unique view of Perry County.


5" x 7"  Vol 1 139 pages   Vol 2 171 pages            NOW ON KINDLE

Read the Introduction